Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries: Clinical Practice Guideline (2019, third edition)
PPPIA is pleased to be a part of an international collaboration with its partners, the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP) and National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP), to produce the most extensive evidence-based international pressure injury guideline. The PPPIA, who are represented in the International Guideline’s Guideline Governance Group (GGG) and all the Small Working Groups are proud to be leaders at the global level in producing this guideline.
The full Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) includes the evidence-based recommendations and good practice statements, together with implementation considerations, evidence summaries and evidence discussion. The CPG provides helpful guidance for how to implement the recommendations. The full guideline also includes 20 quality indicators for auditing best practice in pressure injury prevention and treatment, and over 70 figures and tables as a resource for users. You can download free e-versions of the full CPG from the Guideline website from 16 November 2023.
The Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is designed for busy health professionals. The QRG is not intended for use in isolation from the CPG. It summarises the evidence-based recommendations, good practice statements and quality indicators. You can download a free e-version from the Guideline website.