PPPIA News and Announcements

  • International Guideline Panel Group applications now CLOSED

    The International PI Guideline GGG has opened Expressions of Interest to join expert Panel Groups. We received an overwhelming number of applications! Panel Groups will be formed at the end of February 2024.

  • Celebrate World-wide Stop PI Day with us on 16 November 2023

    Celebrate International Stop PI Day with the PPPIA on 16 November 2023. To honour this event, visit the Guideline website and collect a FREE E-COPY of the full CPG from 16 November 2023.

  • International Guideline: Applications Open for Associate Organisations

    21 June 2023

    Applications for Associate Organisation status have opened for the fourth (2025) edition of the International Pressure Ulcer/Injury Guideline. Are you a member of a wound organisation with a similar mission to the NPIAP/EPUAP/PPPIA and interested in collaborating? Applications open until 31 October 2023.

  • Condolences from the PPPIA

    The pressure injury community in the Pan Pacific region are saddened by the recent passing of Dr. Barbara Braden (RN, PhD, FAAN). Dr Braden touched the lives of patients, their carers and health professionals around the world with her development of the Braden Risk Assessment Score and her work on pressure injury research. Our deepest sympathy goes to Dr. Braden’s family, friends, and colleagues.

  • Stop PI Day 2022

    20 November 2022
    Catch a look at the events held across the Pan Pacific to promote SPID in November 2022.

  • 50% Discount Off the 2019 Guideline

    April 2022

    We are pleased to let you know that the International Clinical Practice Guideline for the Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Injuries/Ulcers is now available at 50% discount. You can access the discount at the guideline store.

  • Wheelchair Seating Pocket Guide

    March 2021

    PPPIA, together with Permobil, are please to provide a new Wheelchair Seating Pocket Guide.This pocket guide was designed to assist in the multidisciplinary approach to selecting wheelchair seating components for pressure injury prevention and treatment. The pocket guide is based on recommendations and best practice statements included in the 2019 International Guideline. It is intended as a brief overview and is best used in conjunction with the full 2019 International Guideline and the free abridged Quick Reference Guide.

  • Stakeholder Survey

    23 April 2022

    The EPUAP, NPIAP and PPPIA will be updating the International Pressure Ulcer/Injury Guideline with a new fourth edition for publication in early 2025. Please help us determine the priority clinical questions and outcomes that should be included in the 2024 Guideline. We invite you to complete the stakeholder survey (access now closed). Stakeholders include patients and their families, health care clinicians, researchers, industry and anyone who shares our goal of bringing evidence-based recommendations to the bedside to improve pressure ulcer/injury prevention and treatment world-wide.

  • Stop PI Day 2022 20 November 2022 Catch a look at the events held across the Pan Pacific to promote SPID in November 2022.

    20 November 2022
    Catch a look at the events held across the Pan Pacific to promote SPID in November 2022.

  • Stop PI Day 2021

    18 November 2021

    18th November is World Wide Stop Pressure Injury Day (SPID). In November 2021, the International Guideline GGG will launch an evaluation of the Guideline App. Download the guideline app on your ios or Android device today and participate in the app evaluation when the survey opens.

    See what NZWCS are doing to raise awareness of SPID in November 2021.

  • International Guideline App Launch

    March 2021

    Update April 2023 - the app is no longer available as NPIAP/EPUAP/PPPIA have commenced an update of the International Guideline

    PPPIA, in partnership with the EPUAP, NPIAP, and our app developer, proudly announces the launch of the Official Pressure Injury Prevention and Treatment Guideline Mobile App! Available now in iOS and Android mobile devices!

    Become one of the first users of the Official NPIAP, EPUAP, and PPPIA Guideline mobile app! Install on your Android or iOs device now. This easy to use mobile application puts the Quick Reference Guide into the palm of your hands!

  • Guideline Governance Group wins 2020 JWC WUWHS Gold Award

    27 February 2021

    The PPPIA is proud to be part of the International Guideline Governance Group who won the JWC WUWHS Gold award for Advances in Pressure Care. Congratulations to the GGG for their immense contribution to advancing the guidance for care of people with and at risk of pressure injuries. This award acknowledges the hard work of volunteer SWG members, whose contributions made the International Guideline possible.

  • ECRI Guidelines Trust ® Acceptance of 2019 Pressure Ulcer/Injury Guideline

    03 November 2020

    The PPPIA is pleased to announce that the 2019 International Pressure Ulcer/Injury Guideline has been reviewed and accepted by the ECRI Guidelines Trust ®. The ECRI summaries of the International Guideline are available at these links after registering at the ECRI Guidelines Trust ® website (registration is free).

    Acceptance on the ECRI Guidelines Trust ® website serves as validation of the high quality of the 2019 International Pressure Ulcer/Injury Guideline. The ECRI Guidelines Trust ® website allows clinicians to compare this guideline with other similar guidelines. Because the ECRI Guidelines Trust ® website only contains a summary of posted guidelines, we recommend that those interested in implementing pressure ulcer/injury prevention and treatment guidelines access the free QRG and consider purchasing the full CPG available at the guideline shop.

  • New resources released by PPPIA

    June 2020

    The PPPIA is pleased to release a number of resources designed to be used by health professionals in conjunction with the 2019 International Guideline. The PPPIA Pressure Injury Flow Chart, first published as a companion to the 2012 Pan-Pacific Pressure Injury Guideline, has been updated to reflect the new recommendations in the 2019 International Guideline. The first flow charts available for free download are Prevention and Treatment Flow Chart for Adults (full and simplified versions) and Prevention and Treatment Flow Chart for Neonates and Children (full and simplified versions).

  • NZWCS Launch of the 2019 International Guideline

    18 May 2020

    After having their launch plans significantly disrupted by Covid-19 related restrictions, the NZWCS hosted a wonderful web conference to launch the guideline in their region on 18 May 2020. The conference was hosted by Leanne Bolton, Chair of the NZWCS Pressure Injury Advisory Group. The NZWCS were delighted to have special guests from NZ government partners, Rachel Fluke and Alex Johnson (Accident Compensation Committee) and Susan Melvin and Leona Dann (Health Quality and Safety Commission). Overseas special guests in attendance at this unique guideline launch included Assoc. Professor Emily Haesler (guideline methodologist) and Blake Wilson and Sriyani Ranasinghe representing Wounds Australia. From the comfort of their own homes and workplaces, the audience enjoyed presentations from Ms Pam Mitchell, PPPIA Guideline Governance Group member from New Zealand, and Assoc. Professor Emily Haesler, the guideline methodologist.

  • Cochrane Library – COVID-19 Response

    29 March 2020
    The Cochrane Library has announced that commencing 26 March 2020, The Cochrane Library is now temporarily unrestricted for everyone in every country of the world, providing access to high-quality, independent evidence to inform health decision-making in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes access to a special collection on Covid-19 Infection Control and Prevention Measures and a collection on the Covid-19 Issues Relevant to Critical Care.

  • WHSS Launch of the 2019 International Guideline

    29 November 2019

    On 28-29 November 2019, the Wound Healing Society of Singapore were delighted to launch the new Clinical Practice Guideline for Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries. The event was attended by Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance Guideline Governance Group member Prof Keryln Carville and Ms Yee Yee Chang. The Chief Executive Officer of SingHealth launched the guideline with cutting of the guideline cake. Six health professionals represented the Wound Healing Society of Singapore in Small Working Groups for the development of the guideline.

  • New International Clinical Practice Guideline for the Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries Released

    12 November 2019

    The European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP), the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP), and the Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance (PPIAP) are pleased to announce the release of the new Clinical Practice Guideline for Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries. The goal of this international collaboration was to develop evidence-based recommendations for the prevention and treatment of pressure injuries that could be used by health professionals throughout the world. An explicit scientific methodology has been used to identify and critically appraise all available research.

    "EPUAP is pleased to part of this truly international collaboration. The Guideline Governance Group (GGG) and all small working groups worked intensely at global level to summarize the evidence and to develop practical recommendations to support clinical practice for our patients. We are looking forward to seeing how these new guidelines will be implemented and how they will further support better patient care." stated Professor. Dr. Dimitri Beeckman, EPUAP President.

    Janet Cuddigan, PhD, RN, FAAN, President of NPIAP says "The NPIAP is pleased to join our international partners, the EPUAP and PPPIA, in releasing this international guideline. The guideline critically analyzes and summarizes a large body of international research to develop evidence-based clinical recommendations. The guideline bridges a critical gap by accelerating the translation of research into practice to improve patient outcomes."

    "The Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance (PPPIA) is proud to have partnered with the NPIAP, EPUAP and the 14 international Associate Partner Organisations in the development of the 2019 Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries Clinical Practice Guideline and Quick Reference Guide. The International Guideline contains 114 evidence-based recommendations and 62 good practice statements and 20 quality indicators, which will facilitate translation of guideline evidence into clinical practice and ultimately improve care outcomes for individuals across all health settings" says Keryln Carville, PPPIA Chair.

    The NPIAP has the privilege of introducing the latest Guideline at an educational and celebratory launch event at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, CA, November 15-16, 2019.

    Hard copy and electronic versions of the Clinical Practice Guideline and the Quick Reference Guideline may be ordered at https://guidelinesales.com/ after 5 PM Pacific Time on Saturday, November 16th.